Do not break our geeky hearts Valentine

Love is so much greatness, especially when a couple can share their love for superhero comics, science fiction, fantasy books, toys, play with costumes and robots.

All relationships require a certain amount of mutual respect, mystery and communication to keep the romance alive. But when you're dating a geek, we should remember that we require a certain code of conduct that includes honoring our desires beyond what we consider valuable, whether it's our obsession with holodecks or our passion to build the ultimate battle robot.

When dating geeks, be sure to take their interests seriously.
If Princess Leia and Han Solo can make it work, you can too.
Below are suggestions on minefields be avoided to maintain more like Leia / Han, instead Cersei / Jaime your romance.

Do not reveal spoilers

Not everyone consumes geeky movies, TV shows, books, comics and video games at the same rate. Granted, we all have the same 24 hours a day to spend pouring over the latest from the Marvel or DC Comics, watching the back-to-back "Sherlock" episodes, or pulling of overnight, to play a video game, since this debut.

But this does not mean that we want to hear secrets spill from our "lips lovers when it comes to our beloved entertainment properties. Spoiler is terrible, when we stumbled upon the social media, but it is especially abhorrent when revealed during pillow talk. Nothing is a bigger turn than to discover all the exciting parts of the new film "Deadpool" before we get to see ourselves.

No question our series pain over delays

Waiting for George Martin en hurry up and finish the next installment in «A song of ice and fire" is quite painful when we know we should not get a new book from him anytime soon. They can only scream "No!" As a sad Darth Vader when we discover the «Star Wars: VIII episode" will not open until December 2017.

And do not get us started on delays for new episodes of "Sherlock" from the latest special Victorian aired, it seems like ages ago.

As geeks, we are well aware that patience is a virtue. We have been well trained to wait for sci-fi epics xanaklotso, video game franchises continue and even beloved book series resume with new material - thank you very much, JK Rowling.

So do not roll your eyes when we complain that it was the debut of the revival of "Two tops" pushed back another year. We care about these characters like they are beloved family members. It is real and dear to us just as you are.

Cut us some slack and give us lots of hugs, especially when it is clear it seems to have stood still while we expect new episodes of «Doctor Who.»

Do not binge-watch our shows, without us

If you binge-watch "Sherlock" with your soulmate instead of
  solo, you could end up like Sherlock Holmes and Molly Hooper.
Each couple is struggling to find the right amount of quality time to spend with each other. Why not take a TV show that both love and make an event of seeing that together instead see that yourself? If you decide to consume a program together, be sure to heed the commitment.

Slip away to see the latest episode of "The Walking Dead" or "The Flash" and that you can get away with cheating. You know when you watch the series without us. We can tell you when fake surprise in a shocking scene or tear at the right time.

Not because of our lack of knowledge nerd

When you are at the beginning of a relationship, they are tempted to show off, especially when you can find a common interest such as research or ghost hunting UFOs.

This does not mean that you should try another top geeky facts. Learn from each other, rather than compete. If you constantly correct us in our understanding of time travel, you nosedive vampire techniques Batman arsenal or monster erotica, then our confidence. Have fun to share your mutual geeky databases instead of trying to stop the operation.

Not criticize our cosplay

You consider yourself lucky if you're dating a geek who not only loves superheroes, Vulcans, zombies, ghostbusters and Jedi masters but also enjoys dressing up as the sci-fi and comic book conventions. It takes a special kind of person to don uncomfortable Stormtrooper armor or a revealing Wonder Woman costume for a contract, a fan-made movie or a movie premiere.

It is even more commendable when your beloved does not exactly match the ideal body type or their gaze favorite muse. A small percentage of humanity actually resemble the characters they want to portray. We can not have all of Batman abs.

They are compassionate and not nitpick our costumes or ridicule our efforts to look like Klingon intimidation, when we look more like weak Worf wannabes.

We put ourselves out there because we love what we do and can not wait to show off our hand DIY costumes and weapons. Your encouragement is more than acceptable, and rather challenging too.


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