
Showing posts from February 11, 2016

Kylie Jenner rapping, Frank Ocean sighting and 11 other gems I lived backstage on Kanye is talented designer Arik Season 3

I had no idea what to expect title at Madison Square Garden this afternoon to get my ticket for three season the talented designer Arik Kanye West's show / life Pablo listening period at Madison Square Garden. Tidal, which livestreamed the show, was generous enough to extend an invitation to me which I thought meant to sit and watch Kanye and models along with everyone else with a ticket. As it turns out, I was given the same pass that the work crew event were - that allows me to virtually roam free everywhere in the arena. finally found his way backstage, where hung celebs, models prepared and finally got the show on the floor, just feet from Kanye. There will be enough time to discuss and dissect the music, and one listen to a loud stadium not going to do the album justice. One thing was clear, however: the action on the floor was electric, and it is not everyday you experience one Kanye West album like this. Here is just some of what I noticed listening to the album and w...

Killing of Nicole Lovell raises the question of how to keep children safe on social media

There is still so much we do not know how a 13-year-old Blacksburg, Virginia, the girl got to know a 18-year-old freshman Virginia Tech, before he allegedly stabbed to death. What we know is a little bit more for a possible motive for the death of Nicole Lovell, a junior high school student. David Eisenhauer, a college track and field athlete, believed that they had an inappropriate relationship with Lovell and stabbed to death because he threatened to expose their relationship, according to a law enforcement official. But how do you meet? How did the alleged relationship? Points are facing an online network, after police arrested Eisenhauer with tips and leads from social media. We also know that Lovell was active in social media, including entries in a group on Facebook called teen dating and courtship, which has been closed since.

Twitter is losing customers and the stock falls

Twitter is losing customers  It is difficult for the small core of Twitter addicts to accept, but Twitter, just not popular enough to be successful. In fact, Twitter can lose customers. The social media company said Wednesday that it lost two million users in the last three months of 2015. Shares plummeted by 12% in trading late at night. Twitter has 305 million active users by the end of 2015. In contrast, Facebook (FB, Tech30) has 1.6 billion. Google (GOOGL, Tech30) has eight products with over one billion users each. Even to Instagram surpassed Twitter in September, increased to 400 million users. If Twitter (TWTR, Tech30) was able to generate sales effectively tweets sponsorship and partnerships, is growing at a snail's pace. It is still a relatively niche product that has not been able to expand its reach in the way they are his competitors. New management, products, I have no plans and features do much to move the needle. Twitter's growth has stagnated and ...

North Korea ranking army officer told executed by the regime

Ranking North Korean army officer said to be executed by regime A senior North Korean military leader has been executed for "disruption, abuse of power and corruption," a South Korean government official with knowledge of North Korean affairs told CNN Thursday. The official, who spoke on CNN, on condition of anonymity, declined to give further details on how or when general Ri Yong-gil, chief of staff of the North Korean army, was executed. RI was appointed in 2013, Yonhap news South Korean delegation. A source told Yonhap that Ri was executed last week. David Kang, professor of international relations at the University of Southern California, told CNN the move seems to be a show of strength by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Execution of RI is the latest in a series of high profile officials who have cleared dramatically. "It's another way for Kim Jong Un to show that they are in power. Is still young and still learning who's on his side and ...

Parents boycott VTech toys after hack

VTech has restored access to learning software Lodge Cyber security experts said parents should boycott or at least be careful of VTech electronic games because of how he handled a hack attack. They gave advice, after he revealed that the VTech new terms and conditions, stating that parents must take responsibility for future violations. children accounts for more than 6.3 million affected by violation of last year, which gave the perpetrator access to photos and chat logs. VTech says is beside the new conditions. "By learning about the hack from databases, VTech has worked hard to improve website security and services and the protection of customer information," the spokesman said. "But any company that operates online can provide a 100% guarantee that this will not be hacked. "Learning Lodge terms and conditions as the T & Cs for several online sites and services, simply recognize the fact by limiting the company's liability for the acts of...