World powers agree to "cessation of hostilities" in Syria war

Major world powers have agreed to "cessation of hostilities" and to provide direct assistance to Syria, US Secretary of State John Kerry announced early Friday.

He spoke in Munich, Germany, where top diplomats from more than a dozen countries, including the United States and Russia, met in order to achieve an agreement.

"I am happy to say that as a result today in Munich, we believe we have made progress on the humanitarian front and cessation of hostilities along, and these two fronts, this progress has the potential - to be fully realized, fully accept to - be able to change the daily lives of the Syrian people, "the Kerry said.

"Firstly, we agreed to accelerate and expand the implementation of humanitarian aid which was just beginning," he told reporters.

"Secondly, we have agreed to implement a nationwide ceasefire to begin at a target in a week's time. Ambitious, but all are determined to move as much as possible to try to achieve this. "

CNN world affairs correspondent Elise Labott described the move as an important and weak. She noted the importance of Kerry use by "cessation of hostilities" as opposed to the word ceasefire.

"This is a gradual process step by step, the first step here, humanitarian assistance," said CNN international diplomatic Editor Nic Robertson.

"Said pause that comes raises, perhaps, better, stronger talks (and) eventually ... maybe a ceasefire," he said.

"On-site activities'

Any possible ceasefire will not apply to the terrorist organizations operating in Syria. And Kerry stressed that the longer the conflict remains there, the more extremists stand to gain.

Kerry also said that the real test of the talks would be if all concerned to honor their commitments and implement them in reality. Ending five years of civil war will require a plan for a political transition, he said.

The Syrian uprising began in March 2011. At least 250,000 people have died and 12 million were displaced by the conflict, according to the United Nations.

"What we have here are words on paper. What to see in the coming days the site actions, "he told reporters Kerry.

The point echoed Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who spoke at the same news conference in Munich.

Lavrov said the ceasefire would be difficult but characterized what was announced Friday as a "step forward."

"We have a common desire to reduce the suffering of the Syrian people," he said.


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